Different country, don't know the background
so this review is neither based on cultural knowledge nor is it utilising any other frame of reference other than my critical eye and my love of art.
that said, the piece is wonderful, and remarkably understated at the same time, I am not sure of what cultural portrayal this is presenting exactly but the skill with which it is rendered is insane. this is probably another example of that same question "who do you thank, the artist or his hand?" it seems that we may in fact be the joyful slaves and servitors of of our talent and not the other way around... and artist, such as yourself, might mutter under his breath "my arm wants what it wants, (sigh) and it usually get what it wants, even if my brain has anything to do with it." so I wonder and i must ask... how much did you consciously have to do with this peace?
Was it in fact one of those moments late one night when you are possessed by the urge to put pencil to paper, and in the flurry of quiet madness, (that you have to actively reign like a wild chinchilla) a form begins to be carved from virgin white? i ask this because there is something primordial about the image itself, like you only directed your arm somewhat but let it summon what it pleased, like there isn't much constraint to it. like you let loose.
or I could be totally off the mark.
i love the fact that you made the most of minimal visual material (i noticed that you used only 2 colour groups to 'ink' (srry had to use my newest vocabulary tool) the illustration. was this a concious design direction? or did it simply feel right after the initial flurry of pencil and paper orgy?
the un obsessed strokes an shaping are what truly interest me, being a g-artist and now learning the true basic building blocks of drawn art i am monumentally interested in hearing what you have to say. i want my drawing to be as good and as relaxed as yours. it will take a while but i am investing the patience.
is the Indian logo shocked to see that he is merely decor upon someone's cap?
or just horrified at who's wearing it?
may the winds of the stars fill your sails forever.